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Battle Between the NFL and NFLPA

Piece by: Kyle Sramek

Since the organization of the Nation Football League Players Association (NFL), it and the NFL have worked with each other to help the league progress forward. One way these two entities do this is with a CBA that determines such things as the number of games per season and the revenue the players will receive from the league. This used to be fairly peaceful as both sides just wanted to continue to play the sport since it is something that benefits both parties.

As the league and sport began to become more popular as well as profitable, these negotiations started getting more intense. A portion of every player in the league salaries went to the union. A portion of which goes to what is called the war chest. This is used to hire lawyers to negotiate with the league whose owners are billionaires in their own right. One thing you may know about people that make that kind of money is they got there because they are masters of being profitable at the end of the fiscal year. It is easy to see how both sides want something out of the NFL and naturally want the most as they can get.

In 2019, these

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